Our Brands

The Chapolera´s Farm

La Milonga, our single-origin coffee, is carefully cultivated on the picturesque La Chapolera estate in Sevilla, Valle del Cauca. This magnificent coffee-producing family has perfected each stage of the process, from meticulous planting practices to extended fermentation methods. The result is a special coffee with extraordinary flavors and aromas.

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In the beautiful mountains of our magical town Ginebra - Valle del Cauca, is the Alejandría farm where an entire family that carries the coffee culture in their veins produces a coffee with unique flavors certified by experts with a score greater than 85 making themselves known not only nationally but internationally.

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From the Andes mountain range in Valle del Cauca, 100% environmentally friendly coffee growers produce coffee with high quality standards through traditional agricultural techniques, taking care of nature and improving the quality of life of all who are part of this productive chain. It has environmental and social sustainability certifications.

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In the foothills of the Western Cordillera, in the limits of the Tatamá National Natural Park, municipality of El Águila, north of Valle del Cauca, the spectacled bear has 365 hectares for its conservation thanks to 10 coffee-growing families committed to restoring the Andean forest and the species found there.

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This wonderful coffee is produced by small producers located between the Western and Central Cordilleras on the Cauca River basin, heart of Valle del Cauca. This location allows to have a product with unique flavors and sensations.

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Our women coffee growers today give us a full harvest of experiences framed in various circumstances that, finally, led them through the beautiful paths of coffee. They all have a common objective: Build a present and a future for themselves and their families, their community and the environment; where coffee grown with a lot of love, commitment and dedication, is the protagonist.

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From the effort made by Sister Aura Maria Chávez and Sister Virginia Lahidalga from the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción de Ginebra - Valle del Cauca, the Festival known today as "Mono Nuñez" was born in 1975, in honor of Benigno Nuñez Moya, musician and bohemian character of the region. Since then and the subsequent creation of the National Pro - Music Foundation, the annual artist meeting has been taking place without interruption. This coffee seeks to recognize the cultural richness of a thriving and dreaming people and to support the economic sustainability of a festival and allows us to appreciate the talent and deepest feelings of an artist.

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Wounaan women from Buena Vista - Buenaventura - Valle del Cauca use materials like Werregue palm and natural dyes to craft one-of-a-kind pieces.

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In the towns of Northern Cauca there are cocoa producing farms that, with the support of Agroindustria Cacaotera SAS Zomac, obtain a high-quality artisanal chocolate, taking care of all the processes in the chain, based on respect for the raw material, the fair price at producers and customers, Good Agricultural Practices and Good Food Handling Practices.

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